Friday, April 3, 2015

Subject: Andhra Pradesh Government Apprentice Jobs Recruitment 2015.

The Government of Andhra Pradesh is filling up 318 posts in the cadre of AEs/AEEs/MAEs by the Graduate Engineer Apprentices (GEA) under the Apprentice Act, 1961. within the Establishment – Engineering - PH&ME Department. under Minicipal Administration and Urban Development Department.

G.O M.S N.O: 65, Dated: 02/04/2015.
The Engineer-in-Chief (PH), A.P. Hyderabad has reported that, due to large number of vacancies in the cadre of AEs/AEEs/MAEs which are the basic cadre of the Department, the PH &ME Department, The cadre of AE/AEE/MAE and AE (Environmental) in the ULBs and in PH&ME Department of Fin.(SMPC.I) Department, to cater to the newly constituted Nagar Panchayaths and upgraded ULBs which are required to be filled on priority. Also, due to the promotion of AEs to the higher cadre, retirements, resignations etc., certain posts have fallen vacant. Government have earlier permitted to fill the above vacancies by Direct Recruitment through APPSC, Hyderabad. After bifurcation of the State, the APPSC has requested to submit fresh indents for filling up the posts duly obtaining permission from the Government. The process of recruitment of AE/AEEs by Public Service Commission will take considerable time to fill up the vacancies.

District wise Vacancies: 318 Vacancies.
I Zone - Srikakulam, Vizianagaram & Visakhapatnam:  62 Posts
II Zone - East Godavari, West Godavari & Krishna: 74 Posts
III Zone - Guntur, Prakasham & Nellore: 62 Posts
IV Zone - Chittoor, Kadapa, Anantapur & Kurnool: 120 Posts

Educational Qualifications: The Candidates shall be eligible for appointment as a graduate apprentice on possessing the requisite qualification. Accordingly it is proposed to appoint Graduate Engineer Apprentices who have obtained BE/B.Tech/AMIE in Civil / Structural / Transportation / Environmental Engineering degrees from any Govt. University established under the Act of Central/State Govt. or from any Government Engineering College or from an Institution certified as NAAC Grade ‘A’ subject to the condition that the applicant has obtained the Engineering Degree in the above disciplines not earlier than 2013. Graduates who have obtained their engineering degrees through Distance Mode are not eligible.

Selection Procedure: The Selection shall be made only on merit basis i.e. based on the marks obtained in the basic engineering degree alone shall be the criteria for this purpose.

Age Limit: The Apprentices should have completed minimum age of 21 years  and as per existing Government rules.

Payment of Stipend: The stipend is payable as a consolidated sum of Rs.15, 280/- per month i.e., minimum pay in the time scale of AE in PRC 2010. The expenditure on account of payment stipend shall be met from the Head of Account “2217 Urban Development – 80 General – M.H.191 Assistance to Local Bodies, Corporations, Urban Development Authorities, Town Improvement Boards etc. – G.H.(11) Normal State Plan – S.H.(10) Smart Cities – 310 Grants–in-Aid  - 312 Other Grants-in-Aid”.   

Period of Apprentice: Normally the period of such apprentices shall be for a period of 2 year or as   specified  in the Contract of Apprenticeship for which the  individual has to conclude an Agreement with the employer who herein after called as PH and ME Department Government of Andhra Pradesh or as notified by Govt.

Duties and responsibilities:  Every person who is engaged as Graduate Engineer Apprentices shall work in a Sub Division (PH) or      in a ULB independently and/or under the direct supervision of Dy.EE      (PH)/ME Grade II and he shall perform all duties as Section Officer (AE/AEE/MAEE/MAE/AE(Environmental) and record the measurements of work executed by the contractor under his jurisdiction as per codal Provisions and subject to scrutiny by DEE/ME Grade II and/or his nominee. For any slackness in maintaining records/ registers and discharging of duties, he/she is liable for termination without assigning any reasons therefor or notice.

Process of selection and appointment: For the purpose of appointment of the Graduate Engineer Apprentices, the Superintending Engineer (PH) of the concerned Zone shall invite applications from the eligible persons by giving wide publicity. The Superintending Engineer (PH) shall select the candidates strictly as per the merit duly following the above guidelines. The Superintending Engineer shall select the candidates for the posts of GEA as per six point formula duly following ROR.   The Superintending Engineer (PH) shall send the selection list with his specific recommendation to the Engineer-in-Chief (PH), Hyderabad for issuing appointment orders to the Graduate Engineer Apprentices, The Engineer in Chief (PH) will issue appointment orders to the GEA’s based on the recommendations of the SE(PH) of the concerned Zone.

Transfer and postings: The Engineer in Chief (PH) is the appropriate authority for appointment, transfers and postings of GEAs.  The postings of GEAs shall be made within their respective zones only and inter changeable among ULBs or P.H Divisions or vice versa within the zone.

For Complete Details Regarding Andhra Pradesh GOVT Jobs: Download Here

For Complete Details of AP Health Recruitment: Download Here


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