Friday, July 25, 2014

Subject : SBI Clerk Examination Held on 26th July, 2014 and 27th July, 2014

SBI Clerical Cader Question Paper Download in PDF Version.

The SBI Clerk/Assistants/Clerical Examination which was held on the first day 19th of July to 30th of August 2014, such a long span of examination, that means around 35 Lac students are ready to attend the exam. The Exam will be held on the Both the sessions like Morning as well as Evening Shifts.

Questions So Far Asked on 26th July :

1. world old age persons day--October 1st
2. Sweden capital—Stockholm
3. sign on 1 rupee currency--finance secretary
4. Nilgiri hills located at-tamilnadu
5. highest urban population density which state—Maharashtra
6. Australian grand prix winner—
7. About telangana state -29 th state
8. Which organization is for Rural woman entrepreneurs--FIWE(federation of women entrepreneurs)
9. Health minister=harshvardhan
10. RBI liquidity injection- repo rate
11. India's Lightest Fighter plane- tejas
12. Cauvery water dispute tribunal committee chairman= justice chauhan
13. japan's confict with the which country regarding diaoyu island= china
14. a state which had no RRB= goa
15. which country introduced plastic notes 1st= Australia
16. sushma swaraj selected from which constituency= vidisha m.p
17. place of commonwealth games 2018 ,
18. country name where road named after A R RAHMAAN- Canada
19. recent banking license got by which company- .

Questions So Far Asked on 27th July :

1) Currency of Indonesia
2) Networth of a Company is based on
3) Parliamentary Constituency represented by Shri Nitin Gadkari
4) First Chairperson and MD of Bhartiya Mahila Bank
5) Global Peace Index 2014 Report is compiled by
6) Recently, Govt of India had sanctioned a Power Project in Lahaul Sptiti District of
7) CVF-2014-0504 is the name of
8) Which among the following is point of Retail Banking
9) First Time in India Banks in India were Nationalized on which Date
10) Which state is not sharing border with telengana
11) What is Banacaassurance
12) Whicg German Giant gave India the status of cheapest Economy in the world
13) SVEEP Program is associated with
14) URI Hydroject inagurated by Narendra Modi is located in which District
15) Name of the Commiittee that recomemnded the Universal Electronic Bank Account for every Individual
16) NAme of the Missile Developed by DRDO having range of 150 Km
17) Putlizer Prize 2014 given to Vijay Sheshadri for which category of his poems
18) Which country had passed the Modern Slavary Bill
19) Which among the following is not an activity performed by banks
20) World Vitilogo Days is celebrated for awareness of which Disease
21) World Press Day
22) Annual Economic Survey in India is done by
23) Which among the Time Liability of a bank
24) For which activity banks need prior approval of RBI
25) Recent Aquisitation of Adani Group
26) Regulator of Commodity Market in India
27) ReNew Power Venture anounted of
28) Who among is the owner according to Indian Companies Act
29) World Highest Tunnel for high speed trains
30) To get a National Party recogninition, a Political Part must be in how many states
31) Himalayan Bottle Brand is sold to
32) Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment
33) Solvency of a bank
34) Capital of Argentina
35) Project Mausam is associated with

Questions Asked For 19th, 20th July, 2014.

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