Thursday, December 4, 2014

Subject :  IBPS Clerical - IV December 06, 2014 Morning, Evening Shift Exam.

IBPS Clerical Questions and Answers for the Morning Session conducted on 06/12/2014, General Awareness, Arithmetic, English, Reasoning and Lastly Computers questions and Answers .

Please share the Questions and comments below for helping others for the next schedule of examination.

Reasoning :
Syllogism -5 Marks
Data Sufficiency-5 Marks
Seating Arrangement-10 Marks
Puzzle-5 Marks
Coded Inequalities-5 Marks
Other-10 Marks.
Reasoning 2-3 puzzle one was 8 person sitting in square table(corner face center middle out side centre),one 10 people sit in two row 5 in each north-south facing.

Numerical Ability : There are no Approximate answer sums so be accurate answer for given problem.
Data interpretation - 5Marks (So simple)
Number series - 5 Marks,
Table with vowels, Symbols, Consonants : Identify the Given Question with the Assumptions given.
Square root, cube root sums - 2 Marks,
Profit and Loss - 1 Mark
CI - 1 Mark,
Trains - 1 Mark,
Partnership sum - 1Mark,
Problem on Rectangle/Circle - 1Mark,
Mixtures - 1Mark,
Some problems are given two options will be given with both /opt1/opt2/neither/either - 3 Marks,

General Awareness : Mostly covered of Banking topics only.

Computers :
1. Which one is the biggest unit?
(1) MB
(2) GB
(3) KB
(4) TB
(5) None of these
2. URL stands for ______.
(1) Universal Research List
(2) Uniform Resource List
(3) Uniform Research List
(4) Uniform Research Locator
(5) Uniform Resource Locator
Ans. (5) Uniform Resource Locator
3. After saving the data will be saved in ______.
(1) File
(2) My network
(3) Documents
(4) My computer
(5) Database
Ans. (1) File
4. Where does computer store permanent data ?
(1) Hard Disc
(3) SRAM
(4) Cache
(5) RAM
Ans. (1) Hard Disc
5. Flash is a ______.
(1) VRAM
(2) SRAM
(4) DRAM
(5) None of these
Ans. (3) Flash is an NVRAM memory
6. Footers are designed to distribute information across the ____ of a page.
(1) Bottom
(2) Side
(3) Center
(4) Top
(5) None of these
Ans. (1) Bottom
7. Which one of the following is not considered a form of secondary storage?
(1) Solid-state storage
(2) Optical disk
(3) RAM
(4) Hard disk
(5) None of these
Ans. (3) RAM
8. This computer component holds data that is currently being processed.
(1) RAM
(2) ROM
(3) Bus
(4) Ports
(5) None of these
Ans. (1) RAM
9. An operating system is considered to be _________.
(1) computer hardware
(2) application software
(3) system software
(4) memory
(5) None of these
Ans. (3) System software
10. Which of the following types of software would not be considered to be system software?
(1) Operating system
(2) Utility programs
(3) Program language translators
(4) Spreadsheet software
(5) None of these
Ans. (4) Spreadsheet
11. The main part of an operating system is called a(n) _________.
(1) computer operator
(2) kernel
(3) utility program
(4) operations manager
(5) None of these
Ans. (2) Kernel
12. Which of the following is a collection of programs rather than a single program?
(1) Procedures
(2) System software
(3) Hardware
(4) Application software
(5) None of these
Ans. (2) System Software

MS Excel - 2 Marks,
Network, shareware, software - 3 Marks,
Which button is used for reload the webpage :
what are the rays used in Mouse :
Step by step representation of program was called :
What is the home page of a website :
what is the default protocol for internet :
which one is highest storage unit among following options ,
50,000 bytes is equal to :
MS Word Page Formation :
Which Network is used inside the Organization :

English :
Paragraph : 10 Marks (Mostly Economic Content)
Fill the one answer in two blanks : 5 Marks,
Fill the blanks in paragraph : 10 Marks,
Sentences Rearrangement : 5 Marks,
Meanings, and others : 10 Marks.

Questions given in 06/12/2014 Morning Shift are as follows:

In MOM first M stands for - MARS
Who is the author of the book 'Playing it my way'  - Sachin Tendulkar
Where is the capital of Sweden? - Stockholm
World chess champion event of 2014 held in ? - Sochi
Where is the headquarter of UNESCO ? - Paris
KLO is active in which state ? Assam and West Bengal
What is the full form of NPA ? - Non Performing Assets
Who is the lender of last resort for banks in india ? - RBI
What is the full form of URL? - Uniform Resource Locator
What is the full form of KYC? - Know Your Customer
What is the full form of BC? -Business Correspondent
Next Commonwealth summit will be held in ? - Malta
Where was the venue of APEC summit in 2014 ? - Beijing
What is Amortization ? - The paying off of debt with a fixed repayment schedule in regular installments over a period of time.
What is the Duration of PPF account ? - 15 years
One question on Alibaba Company of China?
One question related to Ebola?
80% Polio in which country? - PakistanCaptain of india in icc world cup?
LRSAM missile is developed by India with the help of which country ? - Israel
Which one of the following is non volatile memory ?
Which one of the following is not secondary storage ?
In ms word the footer will be displayed ? - Bottom of the page
Which state has highest rural population ? - Uttar Pradesh
Who is named as the test cricketer of the year? - Mitchell Johnson
Rauf dance is from which state ? - Jammu and Kashmir
What is the currency of italy ? - Euro
What is the limit of free ATM transaction under PMJDY ? - 4
What is the Base year for new consumer price index? - 2010
Who is the current health minister ? - J.P.Nadda
Where is the headquarter of SIDBI ? - Lucknow
Manmohan singh to be awarded by which country ? - Japan
Study of fungi is called as ? - Mycology
Which state declared 2015 as the tourism year ? - Madhya Pradesh

Questions given in 06/12/2014 Evening Shift are as follows:

Kissan credit card validity – 5 years
G-20 Summit  2016 will  be held in – China
With the 765 days of continuous safe reactor operations - Rawatbhata Rajasthan Atomic Power Station's
Cheque is defined under which act – Negotiable Instruments act,1881
Ajay Jayaram associated with which game – Badminton
Hindu kush is between which countries – Afghanistan and Pakistan
Age limit for minors to operate saving account – 10 years
Committee to Identify 'Obsolete' Laws - R. Ramanujam
World Pneumonia day – 12th November
Unity Day celebrated on  birth anniversary of  – Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
KYC norms implemented under  - Banking Regulation Act, 1949
Information and broadcasting minister – Arun Jaitley
Capital of Cambodia – Phnom Penh
Currency of Greece - EURO
Normon gorden  is a veteran - South African bowler
Lokpal selected by whom?
Monetary policy regulated by – RBI
Full form of NBFC – Non Banking Finance Company
Full form of NPPA - National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority
Full form of LTV – Loan To Value
Full form of IPO – Initial Public Offering
Full form of TDS - Tax Deducted at Source
Full form of FEMA – Foreign Exchange Management Act 
Full form of NAV – Net Asset Value
Kissan Vikas Patra money doubles in – 100 months
Sumitra Charat Ram Award – Pandit Jasraj
Banking ombudsman appointed  by - RBI
“Hand –in-Hand” is – Military exercise b/w India & China
Chairman of national women commission – Lalitha Kumarmangalm
Full form of  DOS – Disk Operating System
Full form of  VIRUS - Vital Information Resources Under Siege
Full form of  LSI – Large Scale integration Computer.

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