Thursday, November 7, 2013

Subject : Andhra Pradesh State Panchayat Secretary Group-IV Jobs Recruitment Notification 2013 - 2014 for Nellore District.

Note : The Results of Merit List is Released, the Candidates can check at the District Head Quarters or at the District DEO Websites. ALL THE BEST. . . 

AP Panchayat District wise Merit List will be given at : Download Here

Go.MS.No.379, dated:14.08.2013 .
The Andhra Pradesh State Government Has issed a New Notification for the district of SPSR Nellore, the Distict Collector of SPSR Nellore District has issued a selection  notification for recruitment of Panchayat secretary Grade IV employees in the nellore district Gram Panchayat offices, this recruitment notification was conducted by the District Selection Committees of Nellore through District Collector's Proceedings vide R.O.C.1533/2013-A4, dated:30.10.2013 for completion of the process of selection. These Posts were distributed via category wise SC, ST, BC, OC and PHC detailed vacancies for Nellore district Panchayat secretary. The Application forms are invited from eligible Graduate candidates and also already contract based panchayat secretary Grade-IV employees and native of the Nellore district only.
Nellore District List

Certificates to be enclosed for the post of Panchayat secretary Grade 4 recruitment 2013 November application form :
  • SSC Marks list or any other equivalent certificates
  • Degree certificates or any  other equivalent Course certificates
  • Caste Certificate from Tahsildar, Nellore
  • Income Certificate from  Tahsildar, Nellore
  • Physical Handicapped certificate issued by the District Regional Medical Board (If any PHC eligible persons only)
  • Ex-service men certificate (If any Ex-service persons only)
Payment of Fees : The Caniddate has to pay the prescribed fee for the post of Panchayat secretary Grade IV 2013 recruitment of Rs.50/- through DD on name of District Panchayat Officer, SPSR nellore District and submit the application forms on or before 15.11.2013 at District Panchayat Office, Nellore .

Complete State List :
District wise
 The Remaining Districts has to wait for the Required vacancy list, The Vacancy list will be soon given and updated .

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  1. when a selection list is released

  2. how many percentage is required for selected list

  3. Present the Selection Process is going on, You will find the merit list soon in December 2nd / 3rd week.

  4. When the results of merit list release

  5. plz tell me sir when merit list will be declared.and mention particular website

  6. These Selection is conducted by the merit process by each district it self . Send me your district i will send the official website to view.

    You can present it on Contact us page rigth top corner to secure your data, that we can send directly to your mail.

    Thank You .


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