Saturday, June 29, 2013

Subject : AP Government Increases the APPSC Age Relaxation Age to 34 to 36 Years.

The Andhra Pradesh State Government has Increased the Relaxation age for Public Services for Direct Recruitment with a Relaxation of Upper Age Limit by 2 years for the ensuing recruitment through A.P. Public Service Commission and other Recruiting Agencies .

The State Government has been given the top priority for filling vacancies in Government Departments by direct recruitment to provide employment opportunities to the educated youth in the State. In order to compete followup action, clearance is also being given to the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission and also other Recruiting Agencies. Accordingly, the Recruiting Agencies are notifying the vacancies from time to time. More number of representations have been received from unemployed youth of aspirants who are going on preparing for years which the notification was not releasing for years so, for certain associations and also from various dignitaries for considering relaxation of upper age limit for direct recruitment to enable more unemployed youth to become eligible to compete in the recruitment process. The Government having examined the same, decided to relax the upper age limit by two years i.e., from 34 years to 36 years for the ensuing direct recruitment in the various categories of posts to be notified by the recruiting agencies in the State.

APPSC and other Recruiting Agencies Upper Age Limit : 
APPSC Age Relaxation For General / OC Candidates : 34 (Previous) to 36 Years (Present).
APPSC Age Relaxation For SC, ST and BC Candidates : 39 (Previous) to 41 Years (Present).

According to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following adhoc rule, (Article : 309 Recruitment and conditions of service of persons serving the Union or a State). Source : G.O.Ms.No. 518 Date: 29.06.2013

For All APPSC Ongoing and Other Notifications : Read Here

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  1. please let me know whether dis age limit of 2 years is applicable to only appsc or also any othet sectors like police department maily

  2. No, This increment of age is only applicable for APPSC Notifications only.

  3. why age relaxation is not given for judiciary and police. This clearly shows there is discrimination in relaxation age for certain posts and not for other. I request the Honourable Chief Minister to re-think over the same because there are many aspirants for the above said two posts so we humbly requests once again to re-think of the same and do the favour for the above aspirants also.


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